How do you feel right now? Are you in your best shape? Why not exceed your best form and reach levels of vitality and aliveness you have never experienced? You might think it’s hard. Not at all, if you use the help of the Horizon T202 treadmill and stick enough with it. 

Once you have incorporated the home running into your routine and hit the treadmill deck for at least a month, you smile and can’t remove the grin because the way you feel was something you were trying to achieve for so long, which is finally manageable.

With Horizon T202, a treadmill that is totally beginner-friendly, light, and relatively compact compared to other tanks, tender, entertaining, stable, long, and wide enough, you get a new sense of self. You feel like you are flying and remember what it was when you were young.

the Horizon t202 treadmill in its full size

The same old flame burning inside your soul is returning, encouraging you to try this life to the fullest. Simple running sessions in the convenience of your home, for less than an hour a day, make such a difference in how you perceive life that you wonder why you haven’t tried the T202 sooner.

The Horizon T202 treadmill is an easy 187lbs (84kg) way to lift you from the sofa and raise you to new heights of vitality that you and your loved ones will perceive as unrecognizable. Are you ready to give yourself such a gift? The process is simple…

Pick Up The Pace on the Horizon T202 Treadmill

Once you get it delivered and assembled in your room, get yourself in comfortable clothing and put on your running shoes. Warm up with stretching exercises to feel mobile and hop on your new acquisition.

One button is separating you from this new experience. It’s green and says “Start.” Once you press it, you are on the run! My congratulations! You have done the most challenging part, which is to get started. Once you master this beginning process, you will experience unbelievable progress.

And now, as you run, you wonder, “How fast can the Horizon T202 go?” It can speed up to 12mph (19.3km/h). If you have tracked your pace and know how fast you run, compare it to the 5 minutes per mile, 3:07 min/km, 15:32mins/5k pace of the Horizon T202. It is relatively fast running.

Once you get the feel of the treadmill, you might ask…

How Endurable Is The Motor? How Much It Bears?

The Horizon T202 treadmill has a 2.75 horsepower motor. For a treadmill, this is a relatively middle-range power. It can provide decent running opportunities, but it might be lacking if you plan to train competitively on it, going max speed (12mph) every day. Search for 3.5HP+ in this case.

Let’s assume you keep one moderate pace of 6-8 mph (10min/mile – 7:30min/mile) most of the time and only occasionally go top speed. Then, the T202 will do an excellent job for you. 

“Powerful quiet motor for runner who is looking to stay in the 3-10 mile an hour range”

“My wife, two teenagers and I have used the T202 every day for the past 6 six weeks. My son runs for speed, my daughter distance, and I shoot for a 10 minute mile at slight incline. No complaints from anyone in my family.”

Horizon Customers

Now that you know how to treat your new treadmill, you confidently continue your graceful run that you know what you are doing and how you are doing it.

Once you master the speed and its management, you suddenly notice two arrows on the left of the console with two mountains on them… What do they do?

Explore the Hills With The Horizon T202 Treadmill

On them is written “Incline.” You press the up arrow a couple of times, and what happens? The deck starts to move. It lifts you up and provides a hill! Now you are on an incline, just like when you are hiking. But no heavy backpack! 

Here is another area of the T202 to explore. How high can you go with it? The Horizon T202 treadmill can give you up to 12% incline. You try it out and set your treadmill at the maximum gradient.

a woman walking at maximum incline on the horizon t202 treadmill

Your heart rate rises, the sweat rate increases, and you meet the magic! You start to feel the burn in your legs. The same transformational burn that will make you stronger, livelier, happier, more powerful, and unstoppable in front of any life difficulty! 

You enjoy how the progress feels, even though it’s not like eating cake on the sofa watching TV. My congratulations, I love the direction you have taken! 

“The incline on 12 almost feels like a stairs master.”

Horizon Customer

It’s all perfect, but at one moment, you think… “How long will my legs endure such an effort? Should I lower the pace a little bit to preserve my legs? After all, I don’t do this for injuries.” So it’s time to meet…

The 3-zone Cushioning of the Horizon T202 Treadmill

As you run, you notice something unusual. The way the running feels is different from when outdoors on the pavement. There is a slight bounce the treadmill does. And it feels like a support, lowering the impact on the legs.

Why is that? Because the Horizon T202 treadmill has 3-zone cushioning. The front zone is the softest for landing. The middle is the transition zone, which is a little firmer. And the back zone is the hardest of all, so you can push. 

the horizon 3 zones of cushioning

You now know that by running on the T202 treadmill, you automatically give yourself an advantage. You can run much longer and more often because your legs will recover faster, and the impact will be much lower. 

“Impact is easy on the joints compared to some treadmills.”

“The stride is so smooth and easy on the feet and joints.”

Horizon Customers

This translates into more training being done more often. You are stepping confidently toward a change. Sooner or later, it will happen as long as you stay on track.

And when we talk track…

How Do You Feel About The Space?

You are already 10 mins into your first run. You like the speed, incline, cushioning… But how do you feel about the space you have on your treadmill? Is it enough to move freely without worrying about stepping on the side rails? 

The Horizon T202 treadmill has a 20/60″ (50.8/152cm) running surface. You feel like, when you get tired, you can easily lay down on the treadmill and take a rest. It is that big.

The deck of the Horizon t202 treadmill

With a 20″ width, you feel secure and don’t need to constantly look at your feet once you get the feel of the T202. This makes you confident and relaxed. A sense of freedom starts to creep inside as you continue to run. Finally, you have taken care of yourself! 

“The 60″ long tread is very helpful as I have a long stride. No complaints!”

Horizon Customer

Its length and width do the job, but what about…

The Construction of The Horizon T202 Treadmill

While running, you witness the treadmill’s stability. It stays firm on the ground and barely moves. What can make it shake?

The T202 has 325lbs (147kg) max user weight, 18mm deck, 1.4mm belt, and 46/42mm rollers. Unless you are heavier, probably it’s not you who will make it shake. 

“Love the feel and sturdiness of this treadmill.”

“Was very happy with how firm the belt feels even with heavier weight on it.”

Horizon Customers

“How Heavy Must It Be To Stay Stable?”

You ask yourself… You struggled to bring it to your room, and the box was around 230lbs. In its assembled weight, the Horizon T202 treadmill is 187 lbs (85kg).

Most home treadmills are above 230lbs when assembled. This places the T202 in the “light zone.” It is a good combination of firmness and “light” weight. It’s a plus because you can move it effortlessly if you want. And, after all, do you need a massive anchor if you aren’t into wild sprints?

What About Dimensions? 

At first, you were worrying about where you would place such a big object in your home, but now you are happy about the angle you put this 76/34/57″ (193/86/145cm) (L/W/H) machine. And when you fold it, its length goes from 76″ to 48 “, 28″ saved

This way, when you don’t run, you move gracefully around your “stadium.” When folded, you have space to do your cool-down stretching exercises. 

“My husband and I use it every day. It is so sturdy and quiet too.”

“Quality/sturdiness of the machine feels comparable to more expensive gym equipment.”

Horizon Customers

After your first workout, you are so excited that all the excuses for not training have vanished. No weather, time of the day, or motivation drop can separate you from doing your workout. But you ask yourself… Was this treadmill for me…?

For Whom Is The Horizon T202 Treadmill Perfect?

It is perfect for the beginner runner. Or for the person who is more of a jogger than a competitive runner. It serves best people who enjoy a moderate pace, not lightning speed. 

The T202 can go up to 12mph but is not made for such intensive use. To serve a long time, the perfect user will be someone who wants to lose weight, increase the overall tonus, and circle this blood inside at a moderate running pace.

A couple of times per week will be optimal usage. This way, you will have time to recover and not wear out. If you don’t want to put your legs on fire but prefer a gentler attitude, then T202 is for you.

Another factor is the price. The T202 is one of the most decent cheap treadmills under 1000$. If you are not a running freak, who loves the latest and highest quality technology. And don’t want to spend a fortune on a treadmill because you are not an avid runner, then T202 is for you. 

If you want to race in competitions, run marathons and other running events. If you look to push your limits and experience the most mighty running version a homo sapiens can be, then look at 7.4 AT, 7.8 AT or Sole F85.

Now about…

How Have I Written This Review?

I don’t have the treadmill in my home, so I can’t tell you from personal experience whether it’s good or bad. But I have done something else. I have compared the top 65 treadmills on the market to see how this one is special, better and unique. I have also researched all possible feedback from hundreds of real customers.

I have examined how many of them are happy and how many are frustrated. What makes them pleased or frustrated. What are the main benefits of the treadmill? And I will tell you what flaws you can expect. Something that the manufacturer won’t :).

picture of different people running on treadmills and giving feedback about their experience

Instead of being a 1-person review, this is gathered information from hundreds of experiences with this treadmill and my thorough comparison. It is enough to address everything you want to know about this machine.

What’s more…

Click, Click, And Right Where You Want To Be

Until now, you have been using the arrows to raise or lower the speed or incline. Every time, you have clicked and pressed those buttons many times until you got the pace or angle you wanted. But is there an easier way?

Yes, there is! You have two more and more efficient ways to control your run. One of them is the blue rollers on the handlebars. You scroll them quickly, and the rate at which you change the speed or incline is swift (so, be very careful with its sensitivity.)

the console of the horizon t202 treadmill with all the buttons

The other way is all the numbers you notice on the left and right. These are preset buttons by which you can jump directly to the pace and angle you want. You click on them and notice how the motor does its job perfectly. 

Now, this is a different game! You feel like a wizard master, managing this treadmill in a fraction of a second. You love this way because you stay more balanced, approach the console less, run more, and feel totally in control. Safety is increased.

“Quick buttons make getting started or making changes to your workout on the fly very easy.”

Horizon Customer

But on the console, there is another thing you notice, but you don’t know what it does…

What’s That… On The Console of the Horizon T202 Treadmill?

At one moment, you see one protruding part on your console just below the program buttons… It seems like a rack. But rack for what?

This is the place for your tablet or phone… Yes, you can use and connect your device to the Horizon T202 treadmill. This treadmill comes out to be so smart that it thinks! And you notice another port.

You just found the USB Rapid charge port. With it, you continuously charge your phone or tablet and never leave the game. With this integration, you can use everything you can on your device while running, never facing boredom and loving returning to your treadmill to become fitter and fitter.

“The tablet holder works great for our iPad. I use Zwift for my guided workouts and have been able to sync the speed from the T202 into Zwift with a third-party app called RunCline.”

Horizon Customer

You put your tablet, but how do you connect?

Use Bluetooth To Connect With The Horizon T202 Treadmill

Turn on your Bluetooth and pair it with the treadmill. Once set, you notice the speakers on both sides of the console. The first thing you do is to play your favorite music on them. 

Oh, call this life! You run on your new treadmill while giving the best gift you can give to your body and playing your most loved tracks for the soul. You run and sing, run and sing. This becomes more than a workout.

image of partying which represents the state of your joints while running on the Treadmill

Beyond music, you can play videos, whether they are landscape, motivational, running, or whatever you choose. The option for instructor-led classes is also possible through a fitness app.  

“It’s great to have speakers and I use my phone to Bluetooth in my music.”

“Love the Bluetooth pairing with my phone for music or motivational trainers while I’m walking.”

Horizon Customers

The Horizon T202 treadmill has become a true pleasure to be on. You notice how you forget about time, fatigue, and everything once you immerse into the run and all the entertainment. 

This way, you stop perceiving the workout as a physical effort but as multifaceted fun. This way, everything that was holding you back from training is gone. Now, exercise is associated with joy, not pain. 

You stick with it almost daily, and you start seeing the results. You feel fresher, more robust, livelier, and once you see your body in the mirror… Damn, you begin to notice the human anatomy because your muscles start to shape! My congrats!

Another thing you notice with time is the…

Gorgeous Quietness on The Horizon T202 Treadmill

You press start without running on the treadmill but staying on the side rails. The belt begins to move, but… There is almost no sound. The T202 is that quiet. The only noise someone can hear from you working out is your steps. 

“I love the quietness of the motor.”

“I love this treadmill!!!! It is built so well. The motor is soooo quiet.”

“Very sturdy for jogging and such a quiet motor it didn’t even wake the dog.”

Horizon Customers

You run and enjoy the smoothness, the silence, and the graceful charm of the T202. Your spouse comes into the room and is surprised that you are running. They were sleeping until now. 

When you finish the workout and go out for groceries, you meet your neighbors. They greet you and love you because you are a silent neighbor. Harmony is bursting all around because the T202 is a quiet treadmill!

And once you are ready with your run…

Enjoy the Elegant Folding of The Horizon T202 Treadmill

At first, you were worried about where you would put this big machine. And whether you can fold it and store it conveniently, would it be too heavy to lift? Now, you just enjoy the one-step hydraulic folding, which takes most of the weight.

You just press a button, and it does its magical descent. When lifting, the weight is again on the T202, not on you. 

“I like the kick button raise and fold.”

“Folds and returns with ease.”

“very easy to use , love the assisted folding feature.”

“I love that it folds up to free up space in our garage.”

“Folding is really simple, to keep it out of the way when I’m not using it.”

Horizon Customers

Once you finish your workout, you fold it and store it easily. You move around it with no problems. You see, it even doesn’t look that bulky (though it is). 

Your family is happy, too, because it doesn’t take the “whole home.”

Now you can go and have a rest and relax. You earned it. And notice how different it feels now to lay on the sofa. It’s not from laziness but a deserved rest filled with satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. 

Although you are satisfied with your new machine, you wonder what could have been better…

The Things That Are Not Perfect

As you enjoy your post-workout shake, you think that

  • When you tried to turn on the fan, you thought it was broken. It simply doesn’t blow. The truth is, it blows, but almost imperceptibly. It is a small fan, and you can’t expect a tornado from it. 

“The fan also was barely functioning and only had one setting.”

“The built in fan moves almost no air. If you aren’t soaked in sweat you won’t even feel the fan.”

Horizon Customers

A solution to this is to bring a separate, more powerful one next to you or to position the treadmill in a room with an Air conditioner and cool from there.

  • Another thing is that the treadmill as a whole, as stated, is not the most robust machine on the market. It’s made for moderate use and not for war. If you plan military workouts, look for a more robust treadmill. (suggested above)

2% of the people who reported their experience with the T202 mentioned that after around a year, the treadmill started giving problems. It is a tiny fraction of the total feedback, but it is essential to know and judge for yourself.

“If you plan on using your treadmill a few times a week, do yourself a favor – get a better one than this! It’s clearly meant for recreational/occasional use, despite advertising.”

Horizon Customer
  • And when you play media with Bluetooth, the only way to adjust the volume is through your device. At some times, it is inconvenient.

“The only con that I currently have is that the the Bluetooth speakers are not volume adjustable. It can only be controlled by the volume on your device.”

Horizon Customer

 After all this, you may question yourself…

Why Buy a Treadmill At All?

You might ask… “Why should I bother with this effort? I am living without treadmill as well, why sweat unnecessarily?” That’s the devil’s voice of procrastination…

Imagine your vibrant life when the excuses for skipping running diminish. After all, it’s steps away. And you actually work on yourself. Almost daily! Coming closer to the ideal you have for yourself.

Isn’t it time to make this ideal a reality? Until when will you postpone to start feeling great? And after all, running on this treadmill won’t be unpleasant. You can have fun with your favorite entertainment while training in a T-shirt in the middle of winter. In underwear if you like! 

You will no longer be soaked or have numb hands because of running in bad weather. And there will be no need to spend 20-30 min to get several layers of clothing together. Less laundry, too! And there is no need to commute to the gym and use pre-sweated machines. 

No more crossing busy streets, cell phone distracted drivers, smelling the exhaust of vehicles, or blinding lights from oncoming people. Constantly stopping and waiting for cars. What about your favorite dogs rushing into you?

Running with the Horizon T202 is different.

Finally, you will skip the slippery, icy sidewalks, and instead of figure skating, you will do genuine running! And it is not only the winter… What about the dehydration and heat in the summer? The AC and temperature are in your control. 

Plus you are close to your family, you don’t need to leave the kids alone. You can run anytime you want, and there is no risk of getting lost. Everything you need is close to you. And you will save a lot of time if you otherwise need to commute to a place to run.  

After all, countless problems associated with running and training drop. The path to start running is way shorter and more straightforward. 

the steps that are needed to start running when you have treadmill, vs to go outdoors

The only excuse is your lack of desire, but is this excuse actually? Be an inspiration and role model for your most precious people. You can’t imagine how influential every action in our life is for our future and those around us.  

If you want to make an investment in your training… What’s better than buying your own home treadmill? And you don’t need to worry about anything because…

You Are Fully Protected!

First, 30 days after you unpackage your treadmill, you can return it if there are any problems or you don’t like something. Contact support, and they will do everything they can to satisfy you. 

You get all your money back, no questions asked. And beyond this, you have an excellent warranty for the Horizon T202 Treadmill. Until you are alive, you get a free replacement if the frame or the motor breaks as often as needed. 

The same is valid for parts, not for a lifetime, but for 1 year. And if you want a technician to come and do a repair for you, the first year, he does this free of charge. At this price range, no such warranty exists. Something similar emerges in four-figure treadmills. 

“Treadmill works great, i like the ease of use and it’s also a nice feeling knowing I have a lifetime guarantee on the frame and motor.”

Horizon Customer

You don’t need to worry about the T202 treadmill because Horizon has your back. This way, you focus on your training and are working on maintaining yourself, not doing maintenance on your treadmill. 

“Two of the quick buttons didn’t work and customer service emailed me back within 24 hours and within a few days shipped me the defective parts…”

“When we put it together there was minor damage to the console and a hole in the belt. Once I finally got to talk to someone (3-4 phone calls) the customer service was awesome. They shipped a new belt and console the same day. I would recommend!”

Horizon Customers

And Here is…

What People Say About The Horizon T202 Treadmill

“I love the treadmill! It is even more than I expected for the price. BEST PURCHASE TO DATE!”

“Would recommend to all! The 2 of us are using it daily, and it is so quiet, and we like the technology. Would buy again in a heart beat.”

“Chose this model as it was recommended by my Son who has had one for 4 years. It was good advice.”

“I love this treadmill. I’m so glad I purchased it and only wish I had done it sooner.”

“Best value 20 x 60 treadmill for amateur runners.”

“We’ve been enjoying our treadmill. It’s very sturdy and feels the same as the commercial versions at the gym.”

“LOVE the T202, and in a few years when it’s time to upgrade, I will come back to Horizon.”

Horizon Customers

Convinced? Say Yes To The New Life Of Vigor!

You know that we won’t live forever. Every moment is precious, and enjoying as many as possible is a life worth living. And do you know what contributes most to your experience of life?

It is not the expensive cars or the exclusive destinations. It is the state of your organism. It’s what’s inside. (Simple wisdom: what you feel as “outside” is your inside condition). And what’s the easiest way to enhance this “inner condition”?

One way is to exercise more often and incorporate training into your routine. And what’s more convenient than a treadmill in your room? 90% of the excuses for not training will vanish.

All this will lead to a more consistent running schedule, enhanced physical condition, increased vitality, and better enjoyment of life. Don’t you want to love yourself more? And this way, be capable of loving those around you more? Isn’t this what it’s all about? Why miss it? 

Decide now whether you want a better life, and don’t delay reaping the fruits of your exercising efforts. Order now, spend some time on your new treadmill, bring out some sweat, and thank me later!

To read about other home treadmills, click here.