On this page, I will reveal all the possible and various types of running workouts, so you can know different possibilities to enhance your shape. You may think you need to be running if you want to improve at running. And that is absolutely true! 

By running more, you become better at it! But to reach the best possible running performance that your body can produce, you need to blend the one-pace-running with other types of running workouts like:

  • Various pace running to build overall endurance, speed, and running performance.
  • Strengthening exercises to feel stable, robust, reliable, and injury-free.
  • Mobility and flexibility to utilize the full range of motion of your legs.
  • Running technique workouts to master efficiency in running.
  • Recovery to keep yourself healthy and in fresh condition to push your limits.

If you compose your training routine of different types of running workouts, you enhance your shape in many aspects. You don’t just increase your endurance, but get better in all components that build a run.

Let’s reveal how the different types of running workouts in detail: 

Types Of Running Workouts

You can run at many different paces. Each pace has benefits and drawbacks, from very slow to super fast. That is why knowing what each pace does to your body and running performance is very important.

Once you understand what each pace is helpful for, how it affects you, and what results it provides for your times and body condition, you can choose a speed for your running with greater awareness, creating better overall results. 

Let’s begin with the…

Base Run

The base run is run at a moderate pace. You run in your aerobic zone, meaning the oxygen delivery to your muscles is enough for their operation. When you are at this pace, you train your cardiovascular endurance. 

This means that you enhance the work of your heart, lungs, and blood flow. Your metabolism is working aerobically, which means it burns fat instead of blood sugar, making you feel energized and fresh after the run instead of exhausted and needing recovery. 

The purpose of your base runs is to “build your base,” which means to enhance your overall cardio endurance and work of heart and make you capable of pushing the limits later.

The next type of run is…

The Recovery Run

It may seem that you are running too slow at the recovery run. It might be unnatural to you. The recovery run is usually done at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate (Your max HR can be calculated by 220 – age).

turtle which is running slowly, representing how you should do a recovery run - essential type of running workout

The purpose of the recovery run is to balance the condition of your muscles and system after max exhaustion, like a race or challenging workout, where you build up a lot of lactic acid. You “clear” the lactic acid with the recovery run and are fresh again.

The recovery run should be done within 24h after the running and should last at least 20 mins. If the measurement of the HR is not possible for you, run at a slow pace where you can talk like you are at rest.

Another run where the pace is not super high is…

The Long Run

The long run is similar to the base run. You, too, run at a moderate pace, and you, too, work to enhance your cardiovascular endurance. But here, you can prepare your muscles for the more extended challenges. 

These are the runs when you run longest, and the pace is not varying. In the long run, the speed is not high, the pressure on the muscles is also not that high, and the heart rate is moderate. What gets training is your ability to take continuous hits.

When the distance extends, you will see that your muscles are okay and not exhausted, like after a 400m sprint. Your breath is not that quick. But your legs don’t want to move that easily, and your joints might hurt. When you do your long runs, you fix that and increase your “bearing” – you start to bear more.

The slow pace is very pleasurable, but if you want top performance, you should do…

Fartlek Runs

The fartlek is a run varying in pace. It is like 1min fast and 1 min slow. You can do it by distance: 400m fast, 400m slow. Another option is to go 2 min fast and 1 slow, where the fast running is longer than the rest. 

The whole idea is to gain speed, to train your heart to recover fast, and to be able to feel fresh at high heart rates.

One example is when you start 1 min fast, 30-sec slow fartlek, you raise your HR high. Usually, you can’t reduce it entirely for the slow period, and when you start the fast, your muscles have rested, but your heart is still beating fast. In this situation, You still can run fast, even at high HR.

Something similar is the…


Intervals are runs at near top speed. They are repeats of distances like 200, 400, 800, 1000, etc… You do 4×800 with some rest between them, for example.

The speed types of running workouts. A man running fast for time.

This way, you build speed, make your legs heavy and go near max heart rate.

It is crucial to only repeat this workout occasionally because it is one of the most intensive. Get recovered before going into such training and push your limits. This is the time to do so! 

Similar to intensity is…

The tempo (threshold) run

The tempo run is when you enhance your lactic tolerance. As you may already know, you start building lactic acid in your muscles when the intensity is high and the oxygen is not enough to feed your muscles. 

Then they start to build lactic acid, and you experience the heaviness of your legs, which tempts you to slow your speed. And at one point, the lactic acid is so much that it slows you without asking. 

When you do tempo runs, you run at the edge between when your legs are sensible and start to feel very heavy. It is just before entering the zone of the rapid build of lactic acid. This way, you enhance your lactic tolerance and can sustain in all those “heavy moments.” 

the threshold run is done at near max effort. Speedometer showing the intensity of the tempo run which is near max.

Another way to build power in your legs is to…

Run on an incline 

Running on an incline is very helpful because the pace is slow, but your legs are getting pumped. The heart rate is high, and at some points, you again enter the “heavy zone.” 

people running on incline

You can either do repeats or do one pace for longer. Hills are a type of workout where you enhance your running in many ways. Cardio endurance, muscle fitness, lactate tolerance, etc…

As you can see, there are many different ways in which you can spend your run. The idea is to tap into each and balance them for top performance. If you only do slow-moderate pace runs, you will feel good but slow. 

On the other hand, if you push your limits daily and go max-out, your ability to run will only last for a while. This is only a brief introduction to the types of runs, and you can learn how to combine and use them in later articles. 

Let’s continue with…

Strengthening Exercises – the Other Type of Running Workouts

By running, you really boost your performance a lot. After all, it is all about that. But you can prepare your muscles separately to get the most out of your running. Namely – with strengthening exercises. 

When you do strengthening exercises, you make yourself rock solid. This way, you are more able to bear intense running performances. You might ask… Can’t I deliver intensive running performances by doing more of them? It can lead to injuries…

The stress you put on your legs when you do sprints is more than if you squat with the barbell. With strengthening exercises, you are training your muscle fitness. You train your muscle fibersYou prepare the wheels to take the power of the engine. And do it in a static and more controlled way. 

a girl doing squats. the strengthening as a vital type of running workout.

And there are two ways to do strengthening exercises: 

  • By doing reps

When you do reps, you gain power. You prepare your legs for the continuous strides. You make your muscles able to produce great force for short bursts of time. The other way of training is…

  • By doing holds

When you hold, you go into the lovely land of lactic acid. This is another way to boost your lactic tolerance because when you hold a wall squat, for example, your legs start to tire gradually, and at one point, the fire is on…

At this point, the more your stay in this state, the more you expand your capabilities. And the next time it is time to make the final sprint on a race, hey, your legs move much more! They love the Lactic Land! 

Specific exercises and instructions will come in a later article. 

Muscle strength, Muscle endurance, and cardiovascular endurance are the core of your running training. Still, they only matter a little if you lack…

Flexibility and Mobility Types of Workouts

It is vital to move your legs in their full range of motion. This way, your stride will be longer, and your speed faster. To do so, you need flexibility and mobility. 

stretching is one of the types of running workouts that is not literal running but helps a lot. A girl which does side stretch.

These are achieved by stretching and similar exercises. The stretches should be a part of every workout your do. They serve as warm-up and cool-down, and depending on what you are doing, they are again:

  • Repetitions that you use for warm-up. You do spring movements and prepare your muscles for similar performance afterward. And…
  • Holds which you use for a cool down. You hold your stretch to “turn off” your legs and prepare them for a similar performance afterward, which is rest. 

You can also dedicate a whole workout to flexibility and mobility. This will be when you aim to enhance the range of motion of your joints to open the stride and absorb it when it lands. 

What is more…

The Running Workout to Improve Your Technique

Many athletes go for enhancing their stamina, strength… Focus on increasing power and physical abilities. But this can only bring you to top running performance if you run with efficient form and technique.

person running with proper running form for max peformance
person running with proper running form for max peformance
person running with proper running form for max peformance

That is why it is pretty essential to take some time to master your running and breathing techniques. It is often done on an easy run where you start the glide and focus on your movements, searching for the best efficiency.

Another option is to do this with somebody to look after you, but make sure he knows what he is talking about. Running form is essential for top performance, so train it as well. 

A later article will provide more insight into the proper running form and instructions on achieving it. 

Running Recovery Types of “Workouts”

Another essential aspect of your running training routine is the recovery part. Your legs need care and aren’t capable of max performance every day.

The essential recovery tools together arranged. Recovery as one of the types of running workouts.

The best way to do recovery “workouts” is to do the following:

  • Foam rolling sessions for massaging your muscles. This way, you will improve the blood flow in your muscles, apply some pressure on them, speed up the recovery, and often get rid of their pain.
  • Using Electro Muscle Stimulation, TENS, and other recovery devices. This way, you tap into the technology and increase the recovery in contemporary ways which give you contemporary recovery.
  • Another option is to do specific types of baths, which again produce fantastic recovery results.
  • Another recovery workout option is the good old recovery run, which you already know.

Now You Know What A Running Training Is Composed Of! 

Congratulations! Now you know various types of running workouts which can help you get the most out of running and make the perfect preparation for your needs.

I bet that now you feel armed with much more knowledge to enhance your running shape and make your legs the happiest! Look for later articles where I will help you utilize all the types of running workouts, combine them in the most appropriate way for your running and make your best run! 

Until then, keep running!